In an excerpt from our Workshop Wednesday Podcast, Dan DeLong and Rachel Dauchy discuss an email that has raised some questions regarding the QuickBooks Bill Pay powered by Melio.
As with any communication from Intuit or QuickBooks, we first want to ensure that it is legitimate, since there are a lot of bad actors out there. We have a blog article with different ways to check to confirm a communication is indeed coming from Intuit.
The Bottom Line
There was a deeply integrated Bill Pay Service that is powered by Melip, and that deeply integrated service is being discontinued in QuickBooks Online. That doesn't mean that that service is being discontinued altogether. Melio Payments will still exists and it will still integrate with QuickBooks Online, but you will need to mange the bills and scheduled the bill payments by logging into Melio outside of QuickBooks.
Why is this Happening?
QuickBooks Payments, which is an Intuit QuickBooks Service for receiving credit card and bank payments is not poised to offer a bill payment service of their own. As such this means that the deeply integrated service powered by Melio will no longer be available. Here is an article with features and pricing for the QuickBooks Bill Pay Service
History of Bill Pay in QuickBooks Online
In days past, QuickBooks Online was a way for transactions to come into QuickBooks, but sending instructions out to affect real world scenarios was a little challenging. Several years ago, Intuit partnered with BILL.com to make a lite version of their Bill Payment offerings as its first venture into this workflow. The service had a lower monthly fee, and allowed QuickBooks users to schedule those bill payments directly from within QuickBooks. There were some challenges with that, and so Intuit entered in a partnership with Melip about 3 years ago to address some of these issues. Now that QuickBooks Payments is offering this service, the Melio integration is be retired.
But Wait....There's More!!!
These are not the only options for spend management. We have had Corpay One and Fyle on our Workshop Series to discuss how their solutions work and integrate in other aspects of Spend mManagement. Check out our Workshop Listing to learn more.
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